What Makes Afterburner Special and Different from other DeFi Projects?

Unlike other projects, instead of holding the investors’ money in treasury idly, AFTERBURNER will buy back and burn. This approach directly provides value to token holders while also cultivating an engaged community interested in seeing the project thrive. (???)

How to Stake?

Users now have a more convenient way to collect staking rewards thanks to Afterburner's revolutionary AutoStaking token. You only need to keep $ARB in your wallet to start getting staking rewards.

How does the Rebase work?

Tokens can function in a way where the circulating quantity grows thanks to the Rebase operation. A process known as rebasing is used to achieve this increase in supply. The Positive Rebase formula used by Afterburner enhances each holder's supply of $ARB.

How do I get my Rebase rewards?

Simply said, the staking rewards are the Rebase incentives. Rebase Rewards are yours to receive simply for having $ARB in your wallet.

When does the Rebase occur?

Every 15 minutes.

Is the Team KYC’d or Doxed?

Yes. The team has successfully been KYC'd by Assure DeFi, here is the link.

Is Afterburner Audited?

Our team applied for the reputable audits on the DeFi platform and is pleased to announce AFTERBURNER is successfully audited by Solidity Finance. Moreover, AFTERBURNER also applied CertiK for an audit which is currently in progress.

What will we do with the Treasury?

The Treasury is critical to AFTERBURNER's operations as well as the long-term viability of the Rebase awards and protocol. The treasury receives 2% of buy/transfer and 4% of sale fees, which supports essential components of AFTERBURNER's growth and long-term sustainability. Further along the road, AFTERBURNER will have additional features and utilities to improve the platform and the Treasury will support these projects as well.

How is the APY Sustained?

We've put taxes in our protocol to ensure that the protocol has enough resources to maintain liquidity and achieve parabolic growth without being affected by inflation. When users buy AFTERBURNER, 11% of their purchase goes towards the protocol, when they sell, 18% goes to the protocol as well. The protocol will thrive as long as there is an expanding sell-buy cycle.

Last updated