Platform Tokenomics
Initial Token Distribution
Allocation | Ratio | Amount | Security |
Burned | 65% | 65,000 | sent to dead wallet |
Presale | 10% | 10,000 | distributed to users |
Liquidity | 5% | 5,000 | 6-months auto-locked |
ARB Treasury | 10% | 10,000 | m-sig reserve wallet |
Gaming Rewards | 10% | 10,000 | m-sig reserve wallet |
Why is the protocol taxed?
We aim to provide the protocol with ample resources to upkeep liquidity and achieve parabolic growth without much effect from sell cycles, for that reason, we've included taxes into our protocol. As long as there is an ever-growing sell-buy cycle, the protocol will prosper.
What are you taxed on?
You're taxed every time you buy, sell, or transfer your $ARB tokens.
The taxes are as follows:
• 11% on Buys and Transfers • 22% on Sells
How do the taxed tokens being allocated?
The taxes are always fixed to one destination, in fixed amounts.
Buy / Transfer Fees: 2% - Treasury 2% - Marketing 4% - Auto Liquidity 3% - Afterburner Engine
Sell Trading Fees: 4% - Treasury 4% - Marketing 4% - Auto Liquidity 10% - Afterburner Engine
Last updated