
Issues on the Swap Page


You're trying to swap tokens, but your slippage tolerance is too low or liquidity is too low.

  1. Refresh your page and try again later.

  2. Try trading a smaller amount at one time.

  3. Increase your slippage tolerance:

    1. Tap the settings icon on the liquidity page.

    2. Increase your slippage tolerance a little and try again.

  4. Lastly, try inputting an amount with fewer decimal places.


You're trying to add/remove liquidity from a liquidity pool (LP), but there isn't enough of one of the two tokens in the pair.

Refresh your page and try again, or try again later.

Still doesn't work?

  1. Tap the settings icon on the liquidity page.

  2. Increase your slippage tolerance a little and try again.

PancakeRouter: EXPIRED

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: EXPIRED. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

Try again, but confirm (sign and broadcast) the transaction as soon as you generate it.

This happened because you started making a transaction, but you didn't sign and broadcast it until it was past the deadline. That means you didn't hit "Confirm" quickly enough.

Transaction cannot succeed

Try trading a smaller amount, or increase slippage tolerance via the settings icon and try again. This is caused by low liquidity.

Price Impact too High

Try trading a smaller amount, or increase slippage tolerance via the settings icon and try again. This is caused by low liquidity.

Out of Gas error

Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [out of gas]

You have set a low gas limit when trying to make a transaction.

Try manually increasing the gas limit (not gas price!) in your wallet before signing the transaction.

A limit of 200000-250000 is usually enough.

Check your wallet's documentation if you aren't sure how to adjust the gas limit.

Other issues

Provider Error

Provider Error No provider was found

This happens when you try to connect via a browser extension like MetaMask or Extension, but you haven’t installed the extension.

Install the official browser extension to connect.

Unsupported Chain ID

Switch your chain to Binance Smart Chain. Check your wallet's documentation for a guide if you need help.

Internal JSON-RPC errors

"MetaMask - RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error. estimateGas failed removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens estimateGas failed removeLiquidityETHWithPermit "

Happens when trying to remove liquidity on some tokens via Metamask. Root cause is still unknown. Try using an alternative wallet.

Internal JSON-RPC error. { "code": -32000, "message": "insufficient funds for transfer" } - Please try again.

You don't have enough BNB to pay for the transaction fees. You need more native BNB in your wallet.

Error: [ethjs-query]

Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{"value":{"code":-32603,"data":{"code":-32000,"message":"transaction underpriced"}}}"

Increase the gas limit for the transaction in your wallet. Check your wallet's documentation to learn how to increase gas limit.

Swap failed: Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{"value":{"code":-32603,"data":{"code":-32603,"message":"handle request error"}}}'

Cause unclear. Try these steps before trying again:

  1. Increase gas limit

  2. Increase slippage

  3. Clear cache

If you still have a problem

Shoot us an email at and we will do our best to get back to you.

Last updated